
Deliberate Neglect: The Government Obstructs the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Libya

Amid the challenges faced by persons with disabilities in Libya, organizations and civil society institutions concerned with the rights of persons with disabilities issued an important statement on June 6, 2024. This statement highlights the urgent demands of this marginalized group and calls on the government to take real and swift action. However, there remains a clear deficiency in the governmental response to these critical issues.

Demands of the Statement

The statement presents a set of specific and necessary demands to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities in Libya, most notably:

Amendment of the Basic Pension Law: To serve persons with disabilities and ensure the immediate implementation of its provisions.
Payment of Overdue Home Allowances: And work to distribute these allowances regularly on a monthly basis.
Activation of the Labor Law's Executive Regulations: To allocate no less than 5% of public sector jobs to persons with disabilities.
Provision of Necessary Equipment: For persons with disabilities on a monthly basis.
Protection of Rights: In the fields of law, education, health, and sports.
Ongoing Neglect
Despite the clarity and importance of these demands, the government continues to neglect these essential needs. This neglect is evident in several areas:

Slow Implementation: There has been no tangible progress in the implementation of laws and policies related to the rights of persons with disabilities. Government promises remain unfulfilled.
Lack of Funding and Support: There is still a significant shortage of funding allocated to provide necessary equipment and services for persons with disabilities. The government must allocate sufficient budgets to meet their daily needs.
Non-activation of Existing Laws: Despite the existence of laws that guarantee the rights of persons with disabilities, their actual implementation is almost non-existent. The government needs strict mechanisms to monitor the enforcement of these laws and ensure compliance.
Lack of Awareness: There is a deficiency in awareness campaigns aimed at informing persons with disabilities of their rights and how to obtain them. Continuous efforts are needed to educate both the community and persons with disabilities.

What the Government Should Do in the Coming Years

Accelerate Implementation: The government must take immediate steps to implement the demands outlined in the statement, especially those related to amending laws, disbursing allowances, and providing necessary equipment.
Allocate Sufficient Budgets: Adequate budgets must be allocated to support persons with disabilities, either through the provision of medical equipment and aids or through direct financial support programs.
Enhance Oversight and Accountability: Effective mechanisms must be established to monitor the implementation of laws and policies related to persons with disabilities and to hold negligent entities accountable.
Launch Awareness Campaigns: Comprehensive awareness campaigns should be launched to inform persons with disabilities of their rights and provide legal and psychological support.
Persons with disabilities are an integral part of society and have the right to live with dignity and access equal opportunities. The government must take responsibility and implement immediate and effective measures to improve their conditions. Without these necessary steps, the government's promises will remain empty slogans, and the suffering of persons with disabilities will continue without end.

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